Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating it. Keeping with tradition, I’ve decided to put off hosting the weekly Complaints & Confessions Thread and substitute it with something a little better this week.

So, instead of complaining or talking about the things that have been weighing heavy on your mind, let’s take a moment to jot down a comment or two about the things we’re thankful for or anything that you otherwise want to rave about. Doesn’t necessarily have to be running oriented either.

Spread some joy, share some love, and let’s hear what you’re thankful for.

  • helodriver87@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Thankful that I’ve managed to stay injury free through a really intense year. I’ve been able to beat my PRs in every single distance this year after 20 years of running at age 35.

    Thankful for a partner who encourages my insanity instead of being annoyed by it. She was the one who convinced me to try for a BQ over a year ago when I thought I just wasn’t a fast runner. She was right, I was wrong, and now she’s created a monster.

    Thankful that I have a family to run with and celebrate thanksgiving with today. Currently enjoying my coffee and smelling the posole slow cooking in the kitchen before heading out to do 3.12 at Mach Jesus and try to keep it together long enough to puke in a trash can in front of strangers. Then I get to spend a long weekend with the people I love and some long overdue beer.

    • 30000LBS_Of_Bananas@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      Has there been a specific change in your training that you attribute your success or just the magic of a supportive SO?