So for a while now I’ve been stuck in a bad cycle of GI issues. From horrible acid reflux that’s causing esophagitis and damaging my body, and also a bad balance of my gut micro biome. I’ve been prescribed PPI’s but recently discontinued them because I don’t think they’re helping and also just making matters a lot worse. On top of that I need to get back on my antidepressants and I’m not willing to take a risk with the nasty interactions that may occur. Does anyone on here have advice on paleo? I’ve heard it can be very beneficial and even solve a lot of these problems. I already am taking garden of life mens probiotics, and not much of a difference has been noticed yet but I’m trying to stick to it. I suppose my question is, what is paleo? I’ve been trying to do my own research but am getting quite overwhelmed with how broad of a diet it seems to be. What should I be cutting out of my diet and what CAN I actually eat to follow this diet and maybe eventually solve these issues without having to take PPI’s which clearly seem to be a medication that doesn’t actually do much to solve the issue at hand. If anyone has advice on foods they eat for a paleo diet I would really appreciate some help.
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