Looking to get 6 cup glass meal prep containers but goddamn theyre so expensive. Where can I get 10 similar sized meal prep containers? Is it better to just by a bunch of plastic ones and throw them away? Or 10 solid glass ones for like 150-200usd?
Looking to get 6 cup glass meal prep containers but goddamn theyre so expensive. Where can I get 10 similar sized meal prep containers? Is it better to just by a bunch of plastic ones and throw them away? Or 10 solid glass ones for like 150-200usd?
We switched from plastic containers because of the news about heated plastics giving off microplastic particles. We only use plastic containers for cold only foods. We bought 50 of these: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Anchor-Hocking-Glass-Food-Storage-Containers-with-Lids-3-Cup-Rectangular-Set-of-2/784258874?athbdg=L1102&from=/search . If you want 6 cup containers they have them but they are $19 a piece. Or you could take 2 of these.
Glass is heavier. But it doesn’t stain and washes clean every time. We have been using them for a year now and are happy with them