Looking to get 6 cup glass meal prep containers but goddamn theyre so expensive. Where can I get 10 similar sized meal prep containers? Is it better to just by a bunch of plastic ones and throw them away? Or 10 solid glass ones for like 150-200usd?
Looking to get 6 cup glass meal prep containers but goddamn theyre so expensive. Where can I get 10 similar sized meal prep containers? Is it better to just by a bunch of plastic ones and throw them away? Or 10 solid glass ones for like 150-200usd?
Mason jars come in so many sizes, have a multitude of uses, last forever, lids and rings are replaceable, and you can use as cups/glasses.
I use mason jars a ton! I scored some of the plastic reusable on sale too, the newer black ones seem much sturdier than the white ones I used to buy.