Hi All,

I was just wondering what all of you, who are in relationships do about meal prepping? I live with my girlfriend and young son, so he just eats little kids meals. However, if I meal prep, my girlfriend does not really eat, because she does not see the point of cooking for herself.

She does not like warming food up, or eating food the next day after being cooked, and I want to track my macros, and I am not bothred if I eat the same thing everyday or not.

I was just wondering what people do, if they just eat whatever, or if they just meal prep, and leave their partner to do whatever?

What do people do in my situtaion, becasue I want to be able to track my macros and make sure that I am hitting my weight loss goals, and then I want to track to make sure that I am lean bulking and not putting on too much mass, after my cut.

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  • Cosmic-Cherub@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Doesn’t matter if she’s a fan, if you want to meal prep then meal prep, she’s an adult she can feed and survive just fine on her own, and if she can’t hell tell her that sounds like a personal problem, last I checked I have 1 kid not 2. If she doesn’t feel the need to cook for herself that’s because she wants you to cook for her, she will feel that need to cook for herself when she gets hungry unless her ass is gonna just eat shit like tv diners.