Hello from NYC, it’s the NYC marathon this weekend!
My friends and I live around Mile 18 of the route and we always go down to cheer the runners on. Last year we discussed that we should offer something beyond cheers and shouts.
One of my friends was thinking about pooling our money together and buying some snacks and cookies and just having a big “snacks for runners” sign. Would this work? Would this be helpful? What kind of snacks work best? (ideally something available at Costco)
None of us are runners beyond the occasional turkey trot so we have no idea. So turning to r/running hoping for some feedback before we buy $500 of snacks that nobody wants.
Salt! I always need something salty
Yes! Ran a 30k trail run once that had a 50k going at the same time that had chips, pretzels and chicken bouillon. Suddenly did not care about my time and had myself a snack break.
I second this.
I would have murdered someone for some salt at mile 18, had any of my muscles worked at that point.
Literally salt packets would have been awesome, but also precooked bacon or flat coke
I did an off road triathlon this summer and they had big trays of potato chips at the run aid stations. It was a god send.
Pickles might be a hit.
Tiny salt packets. You can grab a handful from a restaurant by the napkins and ketchup. I never carry them bc get wet from sweat but if someone handed me one, I’d be eternally grateful.