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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023

  • The only easy answer is to cook and eat whole foods as much as you can and stay away from pre-made foods. This means cooking from the base vegetable, meat, fish, etc. Rice, pasta, noodles are okay but just not too big portions of them and always together with vegetables and a protein.

    Honestly if you keep to this you’re likely to eat healthier than the vast majority of people. For fats, there are good fats and bad fats. In general if they are from plants they are good fats (except palm and coconut), from animals they are bad fats (except fish!). Yes, fish contains lots of fat but these are good ones that our bodies need and extremely beneficial. Just avoid excessive fatty cuts of meat, butter, duck fat, etc.

    If you’re pre-diabetic this might mean want to lose a bit of weight and cut anything sugary. The easiest way to lose wights is portion control, so just eat enough to feel full but not overly so.

    Then when you want to know more try to read up on the subject and find your preferred way of learning whether it’s books, youtube, articles, or podcasts.

    There is so much to dig into but just keep it simple to start, any improvement is an improvement and it’s amazing how small changes can gradually improve your life.