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[Posting on behalf of /u/Percinho who is busy trying on his new tri suit that he got on Black Friday sale]

  • stalagmitedealer@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    How can I stay calm/sane during a treadmill tempo run?

    I’m in my first quarter of training for another HM. My boyfriend is a much more seasoned runner and is helping me write a training plan. Tomorrow, he has me running my first tempo run (I’ve been doing interval speed workouts for the last few weeks). I’m to do a mile warmup, 3 mile tempo at 9:20 pace (or thereabouts - “comfortably hard,” he said), then 2 miles easy to finish out 6.

    I’m almost as nervous as when I ran my first 20 minute block during C25K three years ago. Speed work intimidates me, and I’m worried I’m going to fall apart during the tempo bit.

    Y’all got tips on how to survive tempos?

    • helodriver87@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      I mean, I would do it outside, but I just despise treadmills in general.

      Biggest mistake is starting out too hard and gassing yourself. Set the appropriate pace early and find your rhythm. It’ll feel too easy for a bit, but the pain will come. Just settle into a good cadence and breathing rhythm and try to enjoy the work. It feels amazing when you’re done.

    • stalagmitedealer@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      UPDATE: I did not die. But I also did not start out at 9:20 pace. I started at 9:40 and finished out the 3 mile tempo at 9:05 pace. It’s not impressive, but I did it. And I can keep improving.

      Thank you for your advice.