Anyone know of an app that will allow me to find people to run with? Google search brought up an app called OuiRun but it doesn’t seem like it’s very popular.
Or maybe any advice on finding running groups, or clubs to join? I live in the Pittsburgh area but ideally would like to run on trails nearby not exactly downtown as I’ve seen a lot of these running groups I’ve found online do.
Any advice or tips would be great!!
I use the flybys option of Strava and add people who run my same routes. My profile is public and I share pictures and interact with friends, so hopefully it’s not weird for people to see me following them. Anyway, most follow me back and then we start commenting on each other’s run and eventually have ran together. I love the option, but understand the first online interactions can be a bit tricky. Guess it’d be easier if you have a history of running on those trails and publish your runs with a ‘anybody wants to join next time?’ message. Good luck! :)
As much as I dislike facebook, the only reason i still have it is that’s where all the running groups in my area are.
Don’t know if Meetup is popular in your area but it’s a good way to find groups for any activity Also, this is definitely not an app, but go to your local running store. The heart of the local running community is usually in these stores. If they don’t have a group themselves, they will know or advertise about local running groups
Thank you!! Those both sound like great options
Look up your local Hash Hound Harrier group. They’re everywhere.
H3 is fun but it’s not for everyone and if you’re looking for a run group for training purposes you’d be lucky if your local kennel is sufficient. Where I live we walk most of it and never go more than a mile without a beer check.
Strava has group runs feature that I highly recommend. It allows to preview the run route, which is a plus.
Once you join a local Strava club, some of them post invites for local runs. At least 3 of the local clubs that I am a member of do that regularly. Alternatively, you can create your own group run and invite all other club members.
She Runs This Town is a free women’s running group with chapters all around the country. Best way to find them is on Facebook.
I will have to check this out!!
Fellow Pittsburgher here! And will definitely check out the site.
Local running store
Three Rivers Outdoor Company runs trails in Frick Park every Tuesday evening.
There’s also the North Park Trail Runners, and the similarly imaginatively named South Park Trail Runners. Look them up if one of those parks is convenient to you.
The city area road running clubs do have plenty of trail-enjoying people in them. If you’re not strictly against any road running, maybe meet some new folk there and then go run trails with them.
Thank you! I did see those groups on Strava and they are definitely options
i’m asking for a quick help train.
we are building this! it’s not ready yet but gathering beta users at would love to hear exactly what features you’re looking for.
(pls remove if not allowed!!!)
Search google and ig for “pittsburgh running club” and go to a few until you find one that you click with
I know there’s a handful of girls in the Oiselle Volee world in Pittsburgh and they’re all very sweet and kind (met them at a retreat…I’m in Texas). We also have a She runs chapter, but I don’t run with them very often because their runs aren’t nearby,
It doesn’t look like the app Sweat Pals is active in the area, yet, but that’s been a game changer in the Austin area for connecting running groups.
I’ll also add on to the Facebook and Instagram bandwagon. I found most of my running groups from joining a run group I found on social media and then heard about others.
There is a new app called “lunge” that can be linked to gyms or running activities. Not sure if it’s good. But that’s something. It has an option for both dating and workout partners.
Look up Hash House Harriers in your area.