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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023


  • Complaint running 5k effort into the wind is tough and somehow even though I’m running around the block…the wind never seems to be at my back

    Confession I am so excited for the extra rest day this week. I am almost done with the Fourth Wing!

    Uncomplaint I have gotten in the 70s for my sleep score all week!!! This never happens!! It has nothing to do with cutting out alcohol, backing off the caffeine and setting an alarm to go to bed. I will win the sleep game if I can just get one morning with my body battery in the 90s!!

    Confession After the race I am not doing any of the healthy sleep habits that are clearly working. I already know what beers are going to be waiting for me on the other side of the finish line. Lone Pint Yellow Rose IPA and a Shiner Cheer.

    Complaint I am feeling like the Michelin Man during my taper.

    Complaint Severe weather is forecasted for today and it makes the students go bat shit crazy. Also I have an hour drama club rehearsal after school and no one brings the dramatics theater kids. But the show must go on God willing and the creek don’t rise.

  • goldentomato32@alien.topBtoRunningMiscellaneous Monday Chit Chat
    11 months ago

    I found an awesome trail full of rolling golf course sized hills and had a blast…but also got wet socks and some gross blisters. Now it is a pop or not situation.

    It is taper week and I get an extra rest day so I’m reading “The Fourth Wing” because the Internet told me to. It is a fun book-not deep or life changing but hella fun. Think if the Hunger games were held at Hogwarts. I’m halfway through and next is a nonfiction book about mushrooms and fungus

  • goldentomato32@alien.topBtoRunningMiscellaneous Monday Chit Chat
    11 months ago

    I’m tapering too!!! Starting to get nervous and excited also!!! Racing on Dec 10th and I swear it was like months away until yesterday.

    Trying to stay positive and not over analyze because I do best when I run for fun, but I’ve put so much freaking time into training for this race I want it to go well.

  • Why are the race photos so unflattering??? Do they train the photographers to get the worst photo? I see the guys sitting in camper chairs angling up to catch my belly, timing the downstep perfectly and making sure that when I smile I am looking down and giving double chins.

    Argh!!! I practiced looking up, sucking in and smiling naturally thinking maybe this will be the race I get one photo. Nope. Next race I am pulling faces and making poses.

  • goldentomato32@alien.topBtoRunningMiscellaneous Monday Chit Chat
    11 months ago

    A mini taper in that I cut Fridays run in half and rested on Saturday but otherwise the real taper starts this week. I have 43 miles, then 35ish and I never remember what race week looks like. I am looking forward to fresh legs-I swear I’ve had tired legs for a month now. The race should have been my last 20 mile run but honestly the first 20 mile run was fine and I would rather run a fun race instead.

    I was right at 1:53:50 and technically 4th since the two women who placed 1st and 2nd overall were in my age group! I had a blast and I think next year I could be a bit faster. I feel a lot more confident about the big hill in the Dallas Marathon now.

  • goldentomato32@alien.topBtoRunningMiscellaneous Monday Chit Chat
    11 months ago

    I ran a fun race over a really pretty bridge and got second in my age group! I was there just to see if I could run up a huge incline-twice. The bridge was 2.25 miles long, 3-5.6% grade and was 177 feet above the water but the real reason I love it are the yellow suspension cables.

    I am so sore today. I am a swamp stomper and not used to any sort of incline!

    Today is grocery shopping day for the thanksgiving feast and I am so excited to make pecan pie this year!

  • Complaint kindergarten germs hit hard

    Uncomplaint I finally got my hand sanitizer station back so I won’t catch every bug that passes through the school.

    Confession I ran during work hours when I should have been working in my room on a staff development day

    Complaint my Asics have a hole on the tongue right where the lace loop is and they only have 300 miles. This is too many miles to legit send a “I’m disappointed in the quality of your shoe” but also I’m disappointed in the quality of my shoe.

    Celebration I am going to explore a new trail on Saturday for my long run! Paved but still through some pretty piney woods and along the bayou