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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • iPhone 15 pro max super duper platinum diamond. Pretty sure that’s the name.

    She doesn’t ignore me per say, but my partners family is odd with poor communication. And I have a relatively screwed up view of family anyways since I’ve been solo since 16, raised 2 siblings, was adopted later, etc. so my BS tolerance is poor for it. It’s essentially mutual neutral. Pleasant in person, no communication otherwise.

  • Working today, off for 7 after since in-law family is in town. My SIL has spent years adamantly stating we have nothing in common, which I disagree with but am not investing energy into it. But she asked if I wanted to run with her this weekend while they are here, so perhaps thats her olive branch. She’s much faster and into much shorter runs but we agreed on 4 easy miles tomorrow morning.

    Bought a new Black Friday cellphone today. $999 phone, $830 trade in, I figured it wouldn’t get better than that.

    Hoping for a big mileage week since I’m not working much. Also hoping for a big eating week since that’s my first love.

  • I’m thankful for the friends and family around me that have always supported me through anything. Being adopted means that my family chose me over anything.

    I’m thankful to have a job that pays bills and is all around pretty solid even when it’s hard to appreciate.

    I’m thankful for my dogs who love me unconditionally and are always down to cuddle.

    I’m thankful for this Reddit community who have become friends and supports.

    I’m mostly thankful for my partner. Through the good, bad, ugly and hungry, he’s unwavering and loves me for who I am. He balances me out when I’m on the edge of complete chaos, he’s smart and calm to work through whatever crisis issue comes up. He’s the best dog daddy, the best custom pizza orderer and a great big teddy bear.

  • dogsetcetera@alien.topBtoRunningMiscellaneous Monday Chit Chat
    11 months ago

    Did a very hard 10 miles yesterday, a touch sore in the shoulders and abs. This week I’m scheduled for 4 days, but taking an extra day next week off because friends and family will be here.

    On the one weekday off it’s thanksgiving so turkey trot 10k and survive the in laws. Then the weekend and next week with everyone. I’m not close to my in laws but very close to their friends wife who is coming to see us for a few days. Excited for that.

    Not ready to announce it to anyone in person yet but yesterday after that run I decided officially to sign up for a 40 miler. So ramping up big time over the winter for that!

  • complaint been up since 3. Normally never struggle to sleep but alas.

    confession realized I got put in for an 8 hour shift today instead of 12, and said no when they asked if I wanted to stay the other 4.

    uncomplaint can nap today after work.

    uncomplaint going for a run this weekend with our ultra ultra crazy runner dude friend. I promised to drive and bring chocolate milk in exchange for slow paces and limited elevation.

  • Volunteering at a race this weekend, I get to be the medal hander outer! Let’s just say I’m very excited. And Saturday night my parents are leaving my sister home alone overnight for the first time. We promised her dinner and a movie on the couch so she’s not all alone the whole time.

    Working Sunday… but double time so it’s okay.

    Not sure about running this weekend since the two above things. Definitely doing some quick kettlebell workouts that we have done the last few weeks. Eventually the soreness goes away… right?

    We’ve been up every night twice a night now with our old dog. We’re getting closer to it being the end but lately it seems she just wants to get up, walk around and drink a bit of water then go back to bed the second time. Hopefully my partner will get some rest and feel a little more enthusiastic about existence after a long weekend nap. He suffers the most since he can’t get back to sleep once awoken. And he’s jokingly resentful of my ability to sleep anywhere immediately.