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Cake day: October 31st, 2023

  • I’m planning to do this starting this coming year. I trained for my first marathon in a Maryland summer and I do not recommend. I was so. hot. all. the. time. for several months. Next summer, I’m planning to focus on biking and swimming, and save long runs/marathoning for the winter and spring.

    For races: I’m a fan of the rock and roll half in DC in March. There’s also Shamrock in Virginia Beach in mid-March (has both a half and a full option) and SLC in Utah, which also has both a half and a full. I’m planning to run the rock and roll half again in 2024, followed by SLC in April. No clue how the elevation will impact me in slc, but we’ll see!

  • runner3264@alien.topBtoRunningMiscellaneous Monday Chit Chat
    11 months ago

    Well, I figured out what Friday’s cryptic emails from my company’s leadership were about: my division is being dissolved and absorbed into two other divisions. All the employees now know this, but naturally leadership has done nothing so vulgar as actually make an announcement or send out any reassuring emails. Ugh. We’re all confident no one is going to get fired, so it won’t be all that bad, but I’m still annoyed that they let us all figure this out on our own through the grapevine rather than just telling us up front.

    I’m heading out to visit some family on Wednesday, but first I have to get through 5 hours of meetings today. I’m going to need a lot of coffee.

  • I just learned that you’re supposed to air up bike tires every few weeks. This explains why my bike rides were getting so much slower. My tire pressure was nonexistent by the time I got to work.

    My recovery week from my recent half is almost over, so I’ll start running again this weekend. I’m thinking I’ll aim for 10 tomorrow and 8 on Sunday, but we’ll see.

    I recently discovered Junior Bake Off on Netflix. It’s like the regular bake off, but with kids! The contestants are all between the ages of 9 and 14, and it is even more adorable and wholesome than the regular bake off. So I’ll be watching some of that this weekend too.

    Yesterday, my entire workplace (about a thousand people) started getting cryptic emails from administration about how “we have some big news for you on the 27th, you all have to be there, this is a Very Big Deal” but they haven’t told us anything about what it is. Now the rumor mill is going crazy. We’re sure it’s not bad news, because our administration is actually pretty great and they really value employees, and there won’t be layoffs or anything, but we’re all about to explode with curiosity.

  • Uncomplaint: I ran a massive PR at my half marathon on Sunday (1:48:27) and I’m still riding that high.

    Complaint: asthma sucks.

    Complaint: the past year and a half has been super stressful. When will it end?

    uncategorized? Last night I was going to buy a pizza from the shop across the street. A woman was standing next to the empty unit next door holding one of those cardboard signs saying something like “I am a refugee, willing to work for food.” I see these people occasionally, but she kind of stood out to me because she just looked so scared. I asked if she wanted me to get her some dinner and she just nodded like she was too scared to say anything out loud. I brought her a calzone and a donut, so at least she wasn’t going to be hungry, but I can’t quite get over the look she had, like she thought someone was going to attack her. Ugh. I know we can’t save everyone, but still.

  • How many meals is it acceptable to eat at the office in a day? I think today I’m going to be eating 3: second breakfast (honeynut squash), first lunch (cheese toast), and second lunch (roasted acorn squash and honeycrisp apple, drizzled with honey and cinnamon).

    I actually ran into my boss in the kitchenette a little while ago when I was heating up my squash. He asked if it was lunch time already, and he laughed when I told him “nah, this is more of a second breakfast.” ;)

    Another stupid question: what takeout should I get myself for dinner tomorrow when my husband is out of town?

  • runner3264@alien.topBtoRunningMiscellaneous Monday Chit Chat
    11 months ago

    I immensely enjoyed my long weekend. I ran a half yesterday before going into my next marathon training cycle. I’ve been fighting asthma for nearly 3 months, so I had very low expectations–my main goal was “don’t die of an asthma attack.” I proceeded to run a 1:48:27, which is a 4-and-a-half minute PR. Now my legs hurt.

    I finally told my grandpa that my husband and I were going to get a hotel during our Thanksgiving visit. I got one text about it several hours later saying “We are disappointed you won’t be staying with us. Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday” which I’m 75% sure his wife told him to send. This feels like exactly the kind of thing that she would be offended by and he would not. Ah well.

    I’ve been reading the Wilkie Collins book “The Dead Secret” and it is fabulous. I got very excited when I found this novel in my local bookstore a couple of weeks ago because I had never even heard of this one despite how much I love Wilkie Collins. I’m hoping to finish it today.

  • I’m running a local half on Sunday, which I’m pretty stoked about.

    I’m enjoying the long weekend so far—had a happy hour last night with some friends from work, slept in to the decadent hour of 8 this morning, walked the dog, and I’m planning to get in a long run this afternoon once the rain stops. I also have an acorn squash to roast for lunch.

  • Uncomplaint: I am loving the time change, since it means it’s no longer pitch black when I go out to run in the mornings.

    Complaint: my asthma was flaring up pretty badly again yesterday. I was going through so much albuterol. Send help.

    Uncomplaint: I’ve started brainstorming silly outfits for my next marathon. I am taking suggestions!

    More uncomplaint: I am running a local half on Sunday that I’m pretty excited about. I have an 8-month-old PR that is just begging to be broken. As long as my lungs cooperate and don’t decide that my asthma is gonna be bad that day, it should be a good race!