20 year old male,5ft10……92kgs,High body fat percentage….Taking a 2-3 week break from the gym…So this is going to be my diet for the while

My aim is to lose around 1.25-1.5kgs per week or more would be nice Living a sedentary lifestyle for the next 2-3 weeks around 5k steps on average everyday…

Breakfast-350 grams of cooked chicken breast Dinner-2 bananas and 1 whole pomegranate To make up for the rest of the calories Either a protein bar or protein peanut butter

What effect is this going to have on my metabolism once after 3 weeks i hit the gym and bring my calories upto 1500-1700 calories

  • to_to_to_the_moon@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    This is silly? 1000 calories a day is less than what the prisoners in WWII concentration camps ate. It’s less than what a small child should eat. As a 20 year old male you can easily still lose weight more sustainably by eating more. Also the actual meal plan sounds pretty miserable to me. I can’t imagine eating only cooked chicken for a meal and finding it anything but joyless. Why are you punishing yourself?

  • kaizenkitten@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    The general guideline is to shoot for 1kg of weight loss a week tops. 1kg a week is considered ‘extreme’ weight loss. More than that puts you at risk for stuff like a slowed metabolism, gallstones and vitamin deficiencies. And is generally not sustainable long term.

    Also like, you’re not getting enough… anything by eating fruit, chicken and protein bars. Not even protein, let alone things like fiber and vitamins.

    I know it’s not what you want to hear, but if I were you I’d up the calories and make sure to be eating enough protein and vegetables. There’s nothing wrong with chicken and fruit, but you’re going to need some fiber and vitamins in there.

    Congratulations on all the hard work you’ve put in so far. You’ve clearly got grit. But we want you fit and healthy for the long term.

  • Pangmonger@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I can’t speak to the effects on your metabolism, but I can’t imagine it would be good. I’m just commenting that you may want to reconsider that food distribution. 350g of chicken breast in 1 sitting for 2-3 weeks sounds miserable to me. I’d suggest moving things around so you have a little bit of everything with each meal. That is to say some of your chicken, some of your fruit, and some of your nut butter/protein bar. When I eat 200g of chicken breast in 1 meal, I get tired of it fast. It would also likely depend on if/how you’re seasoning it or adding sauces. If you’re using sauces, don’t forget to account for those calories as well.

  • SplinterCell03@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    1000 cal per day sounds very restrictive. Some people can’t pull that off, it sounds like you’ve done it before, so good for you if you have the discipline to do it. I’m still concerned that it may lead to binge eating or an unhealthy relationship with food in the longer term.

    I’ve read that extremely restrictive diets cause the body to switch to some kind of starvation mode, which may make further weight loss more difficult. I think a less restrictive diet would be better in the long term. Maybe you can do this crash diet for a while, but I wouldn’t use it as a long term solution.

  • Sparrahs@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    This is absolutely disordered eating. Please be careful, you’re playing with fire.

  • Chivalric@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    1000 cals a day is ‘a doctor is supervising my diet’ level of low cals. It’s a bad idea.

    Taking a 2-3 week break from the gym

    If you care about adding/retaining muscle this aggressive of a deficit is an even worse idea considering you won’t be resistance training during this time.

    Breakfast-350 grams of cooked chicken breast Dinner-2 bananas and 1 whole pomegranate To make up for the rest of the calories Either a protein bar or protein peanut butter

    this is a very sad day of food. Don’t do it OP

  • Kind_Pea1147@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    as everybody before me already said -1000kcal/day is BS… way too low.

    aim for 1600-1800 with at least 160g protein per day. should be absolutely enough for you to get your weight down