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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023

  • Complaint: My sister’s treatment was on Tuesday, not Monday this week…thus really throwing me off. What day is it??

    Confession: Yes, it’s very cold…but i spent lots of $ on gear so i don’t mind running in the cold. Plus it makes you look like a badass…or crazy, or both.

    Complaint: Have gotten a few messages/leads on work stuff, but then no follow through from the person, either to discuss or just tell me it’s filled.

    Uncomplaint: My run pace seems to be getting a little quicker, which is nice to see.

    Complaint: It was 78 degrees in my mom’s den when i got here last night…i was melting.

  • Got in 4 miles this afternoon, nice weather here in NJ.

    Thanksgiving was nice and all the food came out good, including my attempt at herb butter for the Turkey breast. Glad we have leftovers tonight, so can maximize the time & effort spent in the kitchen yesterday.

    I’d like to go to Dicks to see what’s on sale, but not sure I’ll make it. We spent the morning at msk for pre/trial bloodwork…& her Hemoglobin went up, yay … I said it was the kale , beets & poultry!

    Tomorrow we are going to see the Taylor Swift movie.

  • I’m thankful that my mom & sister are still here & we can celebrate the holidays together.

    I’m thankful that I’ve figured out a way to support them, go to treatments, etc etc. (even if I go nutty at times lol)

    I’m thankful for running … keeps me sane, physically fit & creates goals to strive for. And reasons to go travel around the country & run races. And I’ve met all of you!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • runner7575@alien.topBtoRunningMiscellaneous Monday Chit Chat
    11 months ago

    The weekend was quiet but good. Ran twice, spinning and some hot yoga. Cleaned/organized and then just lounged a bit. Yesterday i bought some art kits from a paint store going out of business…figured could be a fun holiday weekend activity.

    Working on my company financials today…fun fun.

    Tomorrow I head back to my mom’s for 10 days of fun. Trying to plan out my runs and spinning but a lot depends on my sister’s treatments, blood work sked, etc., etc.

    This starts week 2 of running 5x week, for 20 miles in total.

  • runner7575@alien.topBtoRunningMiscellaneous Monday Chit Chat
    11 months ago

    Oh no, sorry it was a rough weekend all around!

    I agree, just try to enjoy the 5k. I ran a 5k in April and did what you normally do, went out too fast and died. When I ran the 5k earlier this month i somehow was able to settle in and ran even splits. And my final times were comparable. I think it was part me being in better shape and knowing my pace, and second, it was very crowded, so i couldn’t bust out like a banshee!

    Try to enjoy today’s run and not worry too much about goals…i know, easier said that done.

  • Enjoyed a full week at my beach apartment…last one for a few weeks, but that’s OK. Was productive work-wise, finally got new tires on my car and made some good food.

    Finished up PT today…i basically wanted to alleviate the pain and make progress, but wasn’t going to throw money away. Now I have my exercises and stretches. Shoulder’s def. better - but this whole thing showed how weak my upper body is.

    Planning to run 6 miles later today - weather is great,sunny and mid 60s, then 3 tomorrow, to finish off my 5x training plan.

    Other than that, have some stuff to organize, go through some boxes and get ready to go to my moms/sisters for 10 days on Tuesday. fun fun.

  • Uncomplaint: the weather. Said it was 58, so my 20 degree warmer calculation went with capri tights and short sleeves…ended up losing the shirt at 2 miles, and it felt great…but it’s mid-November, lol.

    Complaint: My spinning studio added these spin/sculpt classes. 30 min on bike, 30 min on mat. They are new and trying to survive the winter in a beach town, so want to support…but on Monday, our mats were waaay to close, and the person next to me was a sweat-er. I will skip these til after thanksgiving, or maybe always…i can’t bring any colds home to my mom or sister.

    Complaint: The grocery store at my mom’s is only advertising turkeys in their flyer, leaving my mother to question if we can get a turkey breast, as it’s just 3 of us. I said have no fear, we will get what we want. She’s not sharing my feelings and keeps discussing our holiday grocery shopping plans.

    Confession: It’s nice to just get to focus on working and working out for a few weeks…though need to focus on the “work” portion a bit more, lol

  • runner7575@alien.topBtoRunningMiscellaneous Monday Chit Chat
    11 months ago

    Weekend was good, some highs and lows, relatively uneventful.

    After pilates on Friday, I just rested, chatted with the FF and watched mindless TV, then made some tasty food.

    Saturday I was in a bit of a funk, lots of overthinking, but got myself out of bed, watched some EPL then ran 6 miles, and that helped a lot.

    Sunday, i went to a hot yoga class, which i hadn’t done in over a year, and realized how much i liked bikram style. Then i ran 3 miles, and sadly went and watched the bloodbath that was the NYG game. (@MontanaDemocrat1 - i wore my Eli shirt but didn’t take off my sweater to show it off…the vibe was OK, and i went home @ halftime.)

    This week i need to be productive, work-wise, which shouldn’t be too bad. I’m trying to start my 5x weekly running plan again this week, hopefully it’s easier when I have less on my plate, at least this week.

  • Having a quiet “me” weekend. No real set plans other than Pilates & yoga, some running & going to go out to watch the giants vs Dallas game Sunday. All of the local eagles fans will be rooting for nyg, so I’ll be safe, lol (I think).

    Been cooking all week, so have lots of tasty food. May get some wine to celebrate 48. We shall see.

  • Uncomplaint: Back to some peace & quiet at the beach, and it’s nice. It’s just for two weeks, then back to help with medical stuff, and cook a turkey breast. And the bug situation seems minimal at best, and my landlord isn’t letting up on the exterminating services, which i feared she might.
    Confession: Slacked on the shoulder PT exercises…today’s session should be fun. (Though I did do them a few times in waiting rooms last week.)
    Uncomplaint: A work trip to Denver will align with the Colfax half marathon next May - excited about that. It runs through the zoo (and a fire station lol).
    Confession: My solid (for me) 5k on Saturday has me wanting to try to get faster. My main goal is just to run sub 2 hr halves, but I know i have to up my weekly mileage to do that.